What started as a collection of rants and raving while suffering the mind-numbing cold of the Upper Mississippi Valley has now become observations of assimilating to the State of Alabama.
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Sunday, June 5, 2011

More Nitpicking From the Mainstream-re:Hey Michele Bachmann, I Got Your Nobel Laureates Right Here | Religion Dispatches

Hey Michele Bachmann, I Got Your Nobel Laureates Right Here | Religion Dispatches

Now is this just because she is well a rather out-spoken female who has a tenuous grasp of history and apparently science as well? Or am I just being jaded?

Now- let the fun begin....While unemployment and job creation numbers reflect a disappointing reality President Obama is now attempting to put a more positive spin on the economic downturn... by speechifying at Chrysler...

And this....

Ah....It's gonna be a long year and a half til Inauguration Day.

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