What started as a collection of rants and raving while suffering the mind-numbing cold of the Upper Mississippi Valley has now become observations of assimilating to the State of Alabama.
What Happens When Some Individuals Are the Benificiaries of Advanced Education in WI- Or Why I Think Liberals Are a Bunch of Hypocrites.
This was being held up by a protester in Madison WI- note the smile on her face...Now- I wonder...is she a Democrat? Is she one of those 'teachers' that professes tolerance and understanding for minorities? Because I hope to God she isn't a History Teacher. She is obviously oblivious to what that picture with it's symolic cross represents to several millions of faithful Jews whose families suffered under the regime of Nazi Fascism.
Currently there are thousands of people descending on the grounds of the Wisconsin State Capitol in Madison WI protesting Governor Walker's budget which has provisions to limit collective bargaining by state employees. Teachers are among the larger groups of employees that would be affected by this. I have no problem with teachers exercising their right to make their opinions heard by elected officials. However upon seeing this picture,which was posted on a social networking site by an individual who allegedly has a college degree and worked as a teacher, I was appalled! To think that someone who should know history would think this photo was in any way an appropriate image to further her support for the demonstrators! The Governor of Wisconsin may support policies which are unpopular with the left- but he's got a long way to go before he hits the level of depravity of an Adolph Hitler. The individual holding this poster no doubt would be the first to scream about hate speech by the right but now gladly participates in the very same speech and actions which her political leanings whine and cry against. So much for Education in the State of Wisconsin as well as America as a whole. We have failed to remember our history and therefore will not learn from it.
I am shocked to see what is going on back home. It made the news over here so it is obviously an issue. And whats the deal with the State delagets leaving the state and fleeing to Illinois?? Wow!! Whats the next move for the state? I see on the news this morning that Dr.s are handing out fake sick notes...and to think, I used to charge $1 per note that I wrote for kids when I was in High School...LOOOL I could be making big bucks!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$ haha. I will be making a trip back there soon, it will be interesting to see how this all plays out. Keep me posted!!
1 comment:
I am shocked to see what is going on back home. It made the news over here so it is obviously an issue. And whats the deal with the State delagets leaving the state and fleeing to Illinois?? Wow!! Whats the next move for the state? I see on the news this morning that Dr.s are handing out fake sick notes...and to think, I used to charge $1 per note that I wrote for kids when I was in High School...LOOOL I could be making big bucks!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$ haha. I will be making a trip back there soon, it will be interesting to see how this all plays out. Keep me posted!!
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