Morale, also known as esprit de corps when discussing the morale of a group, is an intangible term used for the capacity of people to maintain belief in an institution or a goal, or even in oneself and others. The second term applies particularly to military personnel and to members of sports teams, but is also applicable in business and in any other organizational context, particularly in times of stress or controversy.
My personal experience with esprit de corps resides in the military definition. 6 years, 10 month, and 0 days worth. My personal definition is as follows- The feeling one has upon meeting a stranger, knowing you have never met before, you know that within a few weeks you will know everything about them, and will defend them to the death as if you went from kindergarten through college with them.
I have spent many an inebriated evening lamenting the lack of esprit de corps over the last 20 years since my honorable discharge. Mind you, there is one person whom I have been blessed to be able to keep in contact with from that time in my life, and many whom I have wondered what life has tossed their way. The magic of the internet, Face Book and e-mail has made it possible for me to track down some of those lost (to me) souls and I am happy to report that those I have found are well and happy with their lot in life.
I recently moved north of my hometown and while it hasn't been total culture shock, there is something that is just a bit off. Can't put my finger on it. However, I am happy to say that my co-workers have been utterly amazing! Working for the Veteran's Administration at a Veteran's Hospital makes for an interesting career path.
A couple of my co-workers are veterans, however the majority of them are not. Yet, every one of them, military background or not, exhibit that Esprit de Corps that I have longed for and missed these many years. They graciously answer my silly questions on such subjects as, where are the best bars to hang out at, where are the best grocery stores, where is the best place to get this, that or the other thing, and put up with my snarly self when it's been a week and a half since I've gotten laid.
I have come to believe over the years that the Universe puts you where you need to be, when you need to be there, and obviously, the Almighty has seen fit to put people in my path who get me, and hopefully, I get them.
Things could be a lot worse.
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