It is now approaching the end of September. The past month has been more like summer than August was. Global Warming my hind end. I'm beginning to think that what is really going on is that the poles are shifting and our weather is going to be more like Australia with summer in December and Winter in June. Which is OK I suppose, considering that if that is the case, then I am just going to have to adjust as there is absolutely nothing I can do about it.
The city is getting ready for it's annual week long celebration of beer consumption, which is funny considering the city council has spent much time and money passing various ordinances to discourage consumption of alcoholic beverages. I love hypocrisy.
Mom is still trucking along..and has found out that so far the medication treatment of her cancer seems to be having some positive the breast tumor has shrunk by almost half, however she complains about the side effects of said medication- it makes her dizzy and tired.
I am tired too. Tired of my job, tired of my house, tired of my health problems and tired of being tired- guess that the winter depression is beginning to kick in now that the days are getting shorter. However- there are bright spots that I hope will make some difference in my life this next winter. God- after all, doesn't give you a burden that you can't handle on your own.
Music is creeping back into my life once again- but it is harder due to the past efforts of a certain individual who worked tirelessly to suppress that part of my life. I hope my theory of the Mountain coming to Mohamed is correct- I have been sent a gentle soul - blessed with extraordinary talent and ability who is gently dredging up all that music buried inside me. So maybe silver threads and golden needles can mend this heart of mine. (OK- pithy but its the best I can do considering it's Friday and I'm beginning to dread going into work today.)
So the mantra for today- Hope.